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從肖邦機場(肖邦機場) - 2公里,從“肖邦機場”站乘坐出租車,15-20 PLN或175或188巴士最方便。 5分鐘後,在“諾富特”站下車。 SKM - 高速城市列車; S2,S3,RL線 - 在“WarszawaŻwirkii Wigury”站下車。 從市中心 - 6公里,您可以乘坐出租車或175路公共汽車到達“Centrum”車站。大約30分鐘後,在“諾富特”站下車。 SKM - 高速城市列車; S3,RL(Warszawa Centralna)線路S2(華沙Śródmieście) - 在“WarszawaŻwirkii Wigury”站下車。 從華沙中央火車站 - 5公里,您將從“Dworzec Centralny”站乘坐出租車或公交線路175或504。 25分鐘後,在“諾富特”站下車 客人可以在距離國家歌劇院的“PiłsudskiegoSquare”有8公里的老城區乘坐出租車或175路公交車。大約35分鐘後,在“諾富特”站下車。 從A2 / S2 / A8路線 - 在Konotopa路口(距離酒店22公里),沿著肖邦機場方向行駛,從“Mokotów/ Marynarska”出口下。 從Modlin機場 - 45公里,RL鐵路(PLN 19,大約1小時),在“WarszawaŻwirkii Wigury”站下車。出租車的費用約為200茲羅提。
Hotel's regulations
Informacja o danych osobowych

Sound Garden Hotel Sp. z o.o. with a headquarter in Warsaw- owner of the Sound Garden Hotel- pay an attention at privacy of it's own guests and another persons which personal data is processed by hotel.  Hotel applies regulations of privacy protection in its activity, especially to the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data No. 679/2016, so-called RODO. 

Hotel has an aim to provide full information for persons whose personal data is processing by Hotel about sphere, aim and method of processing their personal data and an information about its own rights. 
Hotel only uses data which is necessary needed for realization every goal, for which personal data is processing.

Processing of personal data obtained for marketing or similar purposes

If hotel obtained your personal data in marketing or similar purposes you have the right to object such processing. An objection may be filed at any time. If Hotel wouldn't have another legal basis for processing your personal data, the process will be stopped.  The legal basis for objection is Data 21 RODO. 

Processing of personal data obtained on the basis of consent, including for marketing purposes
If Hotel ohbtauned your personal data on the basis of consent you have a right to withdraw this consent. Thid does not affect validity of perosnal data processoing in time, when consent was valide. The legal bases for withdraw is Data 7 RODO. If you object processing your personal Hotel will recognize that your conesnt is withdrawn. 

Personal Data of Guests who already stayed or are going to stay at the Hotel

1. Personal Data of Guest are processing on the bases of agreement about provision of hospitality services or made reservation between Guest and Hotel. 
The main aim of personal data proccessing is provision of hospitality services or other similar services, which are provided by Hotel at the guest's request. Furthermore, personal data may be processing by video monitoring which is used by Hotel. The purpose of monitoring is guest's security and another persons who are staying ath the hotel or around by. 
2. Hotel informs, that providing personal data is contractual and statutory requirement (when documenting sales made for Guest by invoice). 

3. Guest's personal data may be processing in order to conduct guest satisfaction surveys in conjuction with provided by Hotel services. The legal base for processing personal date in this purpose is justifiable interest of the Hotel (Art. 6 act 1 RODO).  The hotel has assessed the impact of activities undertaken for this purpose on privacy. This rating led Hotel to a conclusion thet processing of personal data as part of an excused interest, it does not interfere too much with the privacy of the Guest.  Furthermore, this way of personal data processing has to lead to improving the quality of services which are provided by Hotel, what has to make an advantage for Guest in the form of better understanding of Guest'ds needs. Because of it interests if Guest are not violated

4. Hoteol informs that Guest's personal data will be stored during the whole timeof providing hospitality service for Guest, and also data will be stored during the time of limitation of any claims, including tax and civil claims. However personal data which is processed by video monitoring will be stored throughout 30 days, unless due to a special circumstances (ex. accident) recording will be stored longer. 
5. In case of booking a room at Hotel via tavel agency or booking portal, categories of Guest's personal data which are delivered for the Hotel by those subjects may include name and surname, date of stay, e-mail adress, phone number of Guest. About detailed source from where Hotel received a presonal data, Guests may ask for an information at the Reception desk. 
Common infomation: 

  1. Hotel informs that personal data may be disclosed for the folowing categories of recipients: 
    -accounting/audit companies cooperating with the Hotel; 
    -law companies cooperating with the Hotel; 
    -insurance copmpanies cooperating with the Hotel; 
    - IT companies and companies which provide support and management IT infrastructure at the Hotel; 
    -delivery company and post; 
    - travel agencies. 
  2. Hotel informs tat everyone has right of access for its own personal data :art. 15 RODO) and for its editing (art. 16 RODO). Everyone has right for data's transfering (art. 20 RODO), raising objections about processing (art. 21 RODO) and for deleting personal data (art.17 RODO), limitation of processing (art.18 RODO), if there are legal grounds for it. 
    The hotel informs about the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory body supervising the processing of personal data.
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